Sunday, August 12, 2012

Famous people who watch anime.

Here is a list of some of the celebrities/famous people who watch anime/manga.

1. Zac Efron, The HSM star is known for his love of manga, ecpecially Death Note and Bleach.

2.Souja Boy, now I'm not sure if he exactly is an Otaku(or anything else for that matter) but he was seen attending the Full Metal Alchemist premier. 

Soulja BoySource

3. Haley Williams, is is known to like Blood +.

Hayley WilliamsSource

4. Kanye West, now it should come no surprise that Kanye likes anime. He of course had Akira in his "stronger" video.
Kanye WestSource

5. The Prime Ministers of Japan,
Source: As shown in my previous post.

Do you know anymore famous people that watch anime? Leave it in the comments bellow.

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